Surya Namaskar is a combination of some useful YOGASANA in series. In each Surya Namaskar, some Asanas are repeated, with a difference of its own. One Surya Namaskar contains twelve Asana and twelve Surya Mantra / names. You have the general know how of each Asana and how to perform them. (Please refer to the main body of the text.) Now it?s time to know each position of Surya Namaskar as ASANA - as the YOGASANA. The word ASANA means a ?steady position.? The implied meaning of the word YOGA is the real experience of the ecstatic joy of bringing the concept of Surya Namaskar into actual practice. The concept of Yogasana is the base of Surya Namaskar. Hence, some basic rules of Yogasanas should be taken into consideration. Go slow in the process of performing every Asana, at least for three Surya Namaskar. It is a training to all the muscles, involved in voluntary and involuntary actions, to acquire elasticity and flexibility through Surya Namaskar. Flexibility of the muscles is the KEY POWER of all physical and mental abilities. At the beginning, each Surya Namaskar consumes 02.30 KCL without giving you any fatigue. It reduces your body weight without making you perspire. It builds your muscles without any increase in the heart beats. Use all your physical and mental abilities to perform Surya Namaskar. Each Asana is divided into four stages. Practice the first stage of every Asana at least for a fortnight. Then take to the first and second stage of every Asana for the next fortnight then stages 1+2+3, then stages 1+2+3+4. Take into consideration the steps by step method to use BijAkshar while performing Surya Namaskar. After you acquire some skill in Surya Namaskar give ten / fifteen minutes to the practice of Pranayam. Some of the most useful and correlated Pranayam to Surya Namaskar are Bhastrika Pranayam, Kapal Bhati Pranayam and Bhaya Pranayam. In order to learn the art of Pranayam you better contact me (or somebody expert) personally. Gathering information about Pranayam through reading and listening is insufficient for practical work. Aum Mitraya Namah. Pranamasan. Stage First: Stand straight. Legs closed. Toe to toe. Heel to heel, knee to knee. (No strain on either knee or calf; heel or toe.) Hold your hands at the chest, in Namaskar position. Initially apply a light pressure to the palms. (Increase the pressure slowly, day-by-day as your practice gathers experience.) Take the feel of the pressure in the muscles of the palms, wrists, forearms, arms, shoulders and the CHEST. The pressure of the palms results in a bit expansion of the CHEST After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Release the muscle tension from the CHEST, shoulders, arms, forearms, wrists, and palms. Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana. If the muscle tension is released from elsewhere, you need to rectify the mistake through practice. (Rule applies to all twelve Asana.) Refer to ?Step Ahead to Excellence? for supportive exercises for all the Asana.
Stage Second:
Watch out exhaling. Each time you exhale bring the elbows close to body. Each time you exhale pull down the shoulders. Keep the palms pressed, as they are. Exhale completely. Hold your breath. Be in the position of Kumbhak. Experience the muscle tension at the palms, hands, shoulders and the CHEST. After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax all the muscles under stress and strain. Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana
Stage Third:
Focus your attention on the Anahat Chakra. (Lord Hanuman opens HIS chest showing the idols of Lord Ram-Laxman-Seeta.) The main objectives: To increase the elasticity of CHEST. To make use of palms, elbows, shoulders as levers to expand the chest. After attaining the maximum position, exhale completely. Wait for a while. Relax all the muscle tension. Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth:
Say slowly and loudly ?Aum Hram Mitraya Namah.? (Refer to BijAkshar. Follow the method of your choice.)
While exhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second, third.
Experience the feel of every activity in each stage every time. Take the feel of vibrations of the Chakra involved in the Asana. The speed without the actual feel is of little use. Use all your physical and mental abilities to perform every Asana of the Surya Namaskar. Wait for a while. Then relax. Move to the next Asana. Take care to match the rhythm of breathing with that of actions. Practice on music, group practice, counting 1, 2, 3---12. is possible at this stage.
Aum Ravaye Namah:- UrdhwaHastaAsana
Stage First: Stand straight, as you were in the previous position. Move your hands above the head. Stretch them up. Palms closed. Elbow straight. Upper arms near to the ears. Turn the head backwards to look at the palms. Eyes and palms in line. Move the hands backwards. Sight is tied up with the palms. After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax. Remove all the muscle tension from the hands, shoulders, chest, stomach, backbone, waist, thighs, calves and ankles. Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Second: Inhale and stretch the body up. (from ankles to the index fingers) Inhaling each time, repeat the action for three / four times. Inhale and push the head back to look at the palms above. Inhale. Move the hands backwards keeping the eye-sight with the palms After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax all the muscles under stress and strain. Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Third: Focus your attention on the Vishudhya Chakra. It is easy to catch hold of the Vishudhya Chakra when you push your head back to look at the palms. The main objectives: To give upward stretch to all muscles in the body, from ankles to the index fingers. To give massage to the muscles of the stomach. To give strength to the backbone. After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax. Remove all muscle tension. Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth: While inhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second, third. The rest is as stated under Pranamasan.
Aum Suryaya Namah:- HastaPadaAsana Stage First: Stand straight. Keep a distance of 08-10 inches between the legs. Bend down in the waist. Take a side view in the mirror to check your standing position. OR Stand, touching your back at a wall and then bend down in the waist. Keep your palms on the knees. Bend as far down as possible. Go slow without giving jerks to the body. Keep the stomach loose. Try to rest your palms on the ground, ahead but near to the big toe. Keep the knees straight. Keep the shoulder distance between the palms. After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax all the muscles of the stomach, the lower back / upper hip, backbone. Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Second: Stand straight. Legs closed. Toe to toe. Heel to heel. Knee to knee. When you bend down exhale completely. Remove air from your belly. Every time you exhale try to bend down a bit further, without any jerks. Repeat slowly. Bend forward ahead each time. Keep the shoulders loose. Remove muscle tension from your shoulders. Touch your chin to the chest. Neck loose. Touch the forehead to the knees. Put the palms flat on the ground near & in front of the toe. After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax all the muscles under stress and strain. Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Third: Focus your attention on the Swadhistan Chakra. It is the last end of the backbone, above the hip bone. All the seventy-two thousand nerves spread all over the body in cross section from this area. Put the palms flat on the ground by the side of the feet. Main objective: To stretch the muscles of the waist, back and shoulders. To press the muscles of the stomach and massage the belly. To give flexibility and strength to the backbone. After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax. Remove all muscle tension. Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth: While exhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second, third. The rest is as stated under Pranamasan.
Aum Bhanave Namah ArdhaBhujangAsana. Or Ashwasanchalan Asan Stage First: Take the left leg backwards. Touch the left knee and the left toe onto the ground. Sit down on the right leg. The heel and the toe completely resting on the ground. The location of the hands and the right foot is not at all disturbed. Put your hands straight. Lift up the shoulders. Pull back the head. After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax all the muscles of both the legs and hands, the right side of the stomach, the neck and the upper part of the back and the backbone. Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Second: While inhaling move the left leg far back, touching the knee and the toe to the ground. Keep the position of the left knee and the toe as it is. Use the joint of the ankle and the waist to stretch the leg as far back as possible. While inhaling sit on the right leg touching the foot flat on the ground. Though you are in sitting position you are supposed to be ready as a horse (Ashwa) to run quick and fast as and when the signal comes from the Navigator. All the body weight is on the right foot but the thigh and knee are a bit raised up inwardly, in ready position. While inhaling lift up the shoulders and push the head as far back as possible. After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax all the muscles under stretch and strain. Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Third: While doing all these actions focus your attention on the Adnya Chakra, at the middle of the forehead. This is the antenna to receive the cosmic energy. Keep it in front of the Sun. The main objectives: To give downward stretch to the left leg. To give pressure on the muscles of the right leg. To lift up inwardly the knee joint and the hip joint of the right foot in ready position. To stretch the backbone upward in convex curve. The serpent is in ?ready position? to catch the tunes of the FLUTE. To massage the muscles of the right side of the belly, including the liver part. To push the head far back. After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax. Remove all muscle tension. Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth: While inhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second, third. The rest is as stated under Pranamasan.
Aum Khagaya Namah:- MakarAsan. Stage First: Move the right leg near to the left leg. Keep the heels and knees tied up. Take all the body weight on your hands and raise up the shoulders. Keep your palms on the ground, straight in line with the shoulders. Keep the body in slanting position with the head and neck in line. Give a downward stretch, to the body, from neck to feet. After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax all the muscles of the legs and hands, the stomach, the upper part of the back and the neck. Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Second: While exhaling press the hands down on the ground and raise up your shoulders. While exhaling give a downward stretch, towards the toe. Use the ankle joints to pull the body downwards. Check the ?body slanting position? in the mirror. OR Ask somebody, present, to guide you. The head should be in line with the? body slanting position? After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax all the muscles under stretch and strain. Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Third: While performing all the actions focus your attention on the Vishudha Chakra, at the base of the neck. Main objectives: To press the hands down on the ground with all the body weight and at the same time to lift up the shoulders. To give downward stretch toward the feet - to the neck-the upper part of the back- back- waist- thighs-knee-calves-the ankles. This stretching is unique of its type. The start point is the Vishudha Chakra and the end points are the ankles. After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds. Relax. Remove all muscle tension. Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth: While exhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second, third. The rest is as stated under Pranamasan
Take a clean piece of cloth. The width should be equal to that of your shoulder (Inner) distance and the length should be 60cm, approx. Stand on the rear end of the cloth. This size of mattress / Asan helps you keep the fix distance of hands throughout the practice of Surya Namaskar. The location of hands and the feet is now immutable throughout the practice. While performing the SastangNamaskarAsan the mattress should be under your face so as to prevent dust infection. |
Aum Pushne Namah:- SastangNamaskarAsan
Stage First:- Keep the position of the legs and hands as it is.
- Rest the knees on the ground.
- Bend down in the elbow and rest your body on the stomach.
- Keep the feet close to each other.
- Keep the knees close to each other.
- The toes, knees and the palms are on the ground.
- Rest the chest and the forehead on the ground.
- Press the chin to the chest.
- Keep the elbows close to the body.
- Without disturbing the body-position lift up the middle part of the body.
- After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
- Relax all the muscles of the stomach, chest, and the backbone.
- Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Second: - Focus on exhaling and hold out your breath.
- Be in the position of Kumbhak.
- Exhale completely. Hold the breath. Lift the middle part of the body up.
While exhaling bend the elbow so that the chest touches the ground. At the same time lower down the leg part so as to touch the knees on the ground. - While exhaling touch the chin to the chest. Touch the forehead on the ground.
- After attaining the maximum position, wait for a while.
- Relax all the muscles under stretch and strain.
- Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Third: - While performing the actions, described above, focus your attention on the Manipur Chakra.
- The main objective is to massage the muscles of the entire belly.
- Exhale completely. Hold your breath and be in the position of Kumbhak.
After attaining the maximum position, wait for a while. - Relax. Remove all muscle tension.
- Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth: - While you exhale and hold your breath out, perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second, third.
- The rest is as stated under Pranamasan.
Aum HiranyaGarbhaya Namah BhujangAsan Stage First: - Push the palms on the ground and lift up the shoulders.
- While lifting the shoulders, make use of the ankles to give a forward push to the belly. Try to bring the belly near to the middle of the hands.
Touch the toe parts of the feet on the ground. - Touch the knees on the ground.
- Push the head back. The backbone in convex curve.
- Chest is tossed up and puffed up.
- After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
- Relax all the muscles from waist to head including backbone stomach, chest and hands.
- Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Second: - Focus your attention on inhaling.
- Perform every action giving extra consideration to inhaling.
- Inhale deep and long when you push the head back.
- Inhale, with the chest tossed up, deep and long while giving convex curve to the backbone.
- After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
- Relax all the muscles under stress and strain.
- Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Third: - While performing the actions, described above, focus your attention on the Swadhistan Chakra.
- The main objectives: To inhale as much cosmic energy as possible.
- To give a convex shape to the backbone.
- To puff up the chest at its maximum.
- Bhujanga / cobra lifting up the front part of its body and opening out the hood below its head. Ready to dance with the rhythm of DAMARU.
- The resting point to lift up the body is the Swadhistan Chakra.
- The hood of the cobra is your chest ? enlarge it, amplify it.
- After attaining the maximum position, wait for a while.
- Relax. Remove all muscle tension.
- Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth: - While inhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second, third.
- The rest is as stated under Pranamasan.
Aum Marichaye Namah ParvatAsan Stage First: - Keep the hands and the legs as they are.
- Lift up the middle part of the body, as far up as possible.
- Adjust your shoulders forward or backward to touch the heels to the ground.
- Lift / push up your body from feet to waist and from neck to waist.
Keep the head in line with the body. - After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
- Relax all the muscles of hands, legs, backbone etc.
- Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Second: - Focus your attention on exhaling.
- Perform every action giving due consideration to exhaling.
- Exhale deep and long while giving upward lift-from feet to waist.
- After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
- Relax all the muscles under stress and strain.
- Speak out the next Surya Mantra and move to the next Asana.
Stage Third: - While performing the actions, described above, focus your attention on the VishudhaChakra.
- The main objectives: To give upward push from feet to waist and from Vishudha Chakra to the waist.
- To give a mountain / parvat like shape to the body.
- All the body muscles are pushed up towards the waist / Swadhistan Chakra.
- After attaining the maximum position, wait for five seconds.
- Relax. Remove stretch and strain from all the muscles under tension.
Speak out the next Surya Mantra. Move to the next Asana.
Stage Fourth: - While exhaling perform all the activities in one stroke as described in stage first, second, third.
- The rest is as stated under Pranamasan.
Aum Adityaya Namah:- ArdhaBhujangaAsan - Now it is the left part of the stomach. The massage with a light press is given to the intestine and other organs in this area.
- The rest is the same as described under the head Aum Bhanave Namah ArdhaBhujangAsana.
Aum Savitre Namah:- HastaPadAsan Previously, while performing this Asana the act of bending was downward. Now it is upward. Lift up the hip part, make the knees straight, and try to touch the forehead to the knees. The rest is the same as described under the head Aum Suryaya Namah, HastaPadaAsana
Aum Arkaya Namah:- PranamAsan As that of Aum Mitraya Namah.
Aum Bhaskaraya Namah:- Namaskar Mudra. It is a Mudra and not an Asana. Be at ease. Complete submission ? body, speech, mind, heart ? to the Sun God.
Please Refer this book for more information : |
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